Tag meditation

Taking the Woo Out of Wellness

Champions Retreat Wellness Carolina Maryam Derek

This workplace wellness article was written in conjunction with Carolina Miranda, CEO of Cultivating Capital, and Derek Hydon, President at Macher. As workplace well-being becomes more normalized, leaders ask, “What’s the ROI on employee wellness? How do we quantify health…

Future-Self Meditation 

future self mediation

Future-Self Meditation is exactly as it sounds: you close your eyes and imagine yourself in the future. This focused meditation reveals what you need to know about your destination.  Meditation helps us gain clarity and calmness within. While there are…

Why is Flexibility Important?

Any pose that brings us comfort and steadiness is an āsana. If you can achieve one pose, that is enough. It may sound easy, but in how many poses are we really comfortable and steady? Why is flexibility important? As soon…


There isn’t a legal matter that doesn’t touch, affect, or represent all parts of society. We are seeing this very clearly in the US right now.   The most recent civil rights movements have left me feeling like an imposter. How…

Best Practices for Employee Health

Looking for employee health services? I had the honor of talking to Kate Byrne, the host of Women Advancing. We discussed everything from employee health best practices to choosing a wellbeing partner you’ll love. How a Little Zen a Day…

Black Communities who ZaaS

We spent this past month celebrating Black History Month by uplifting our community voices. Here’s what our Black community has to share. How are you inspired by the Black Community? I’m inspired by my peers that make a difference in…

3 DIY Workplace Wellness Program Ideas

Employee health is now included in the ledger of business assets. As a result, leaders are searching for wellness programs but don’t know where to start. Sometimes, a “wellness program” continues to be an abstract idea. As the Founder of…